Did you know, that for roughly the same price as training locally, you can join our Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher Training at an all-inclusive resort in Bali or Costa Rica?
East+West brings together master level yoga teachers from India to teach with leading Western teachers creating a truly life-changing experience. See why LA Yoga Magazine called East+West the:
If you ever wondered how to choose a trustworthy yoga school around Sydney, I have good news – we did the research for you, so scroll down to see your best options. Let us know which one you went for. Enjoy!
This international yoga and meditation school offers an authentic experience in Sydney. Featuring Indian teachers, with high experience in medicine and Ayurvedic wisdom, you will be updated on medical science of yoga, as well as getting the most of anatomy and physiology. The course Is based on the ancient manuals of Hatha Yoga Pradipika and The Yoga Sutras, ensuring the most traditional teachings of Hatha and Ashtanga.
After this part time 200h course, you will have a perfect Yogic foundation and understanding of the true essence of yoga: pranayama, mudras, bandhas, mantras, shatkarma, Surya Namaskara, different asanas… enabling you to conduct your own yoga class safely and with confidence.
Once your application is submitted, you will enrol in an interview with the director, who will evaluate your potential and will for the course, as seats are limited.
- Price: Check rates once the course is scheduled
- Duration: Part-time- 6 month
- Website: Http://www.yogaschoolofindia.com.au
- Style: Hatha
This awesome course is not also suitable for anyone willing to dive deep into their personal yoga practice in an immersive full-time training, but also for those with busy weekdays.
Kylie Hennessy has been experiencing yoga for more than 20 years and is also yoga and massage therapist, along with other teaching staff, which will give you a deep understanding of Anatomy and physiology from every perspective. Her loving, positive teaching method it’s another level to access your own inner guru and get comfortable teaching with better and more affirmative teaching cues.
They also provide a six month part time 150 hours were you only need to attend classes Saturday and Sunday in exception of two Fridays.
If your goal is reaching to every individual and adapt to group needs this is your perfect choice.
- Price: Early bird: $2700 – Full price: $3000 – Payment plans available!
- Duration: Part-time- 6 month
- Website: http://www.balanceyogasydney.com.au
- Style: Hatha-Restorative
Body mind life it’s one of the leader schools in whole Sydney, no wonder why, because their studios are magic and magnificent! They are accredited by Yoga Alliance and Yoga Australia and offer flexible programs for everyone.
In their teacher training program, you will learn skills to give you the confidence and strength to start teaching Vinyasa from the very beginning, following the yogic principles and all the alignment techniques extracted from Iyengar, Hatha and Yin Yang.
Their learning programs are full time or part time, thus, the latter it’s a perfect choice for busy schedules as it can fit into your lifestyle using only the weekends for five months.
The main studio, in Surry Hills, was designed following sacred geometry guidelines, which gives it a peaceful, harmonious environment to relax the mind and absorb all the content. Check the lodge with WiFi available, or interact with other yogis, grab a herbal tea or treat yourself with natural oxygen therapies. The change rooms have a free locker and the showers are equipped with organic wash products all necessary tools to leave the studio fresh and ready!
Not to mention, ALL the courses start in an amazing location in the Arakwal National Park, including 8 nights and all meals from an organic caterer veet. Yes. That means you will be learning the basics surrounded by nature and relaxing in Savasana with the ocean waves on the background.
The number of students is limited, so you can be certain to get one-on-one guidance throughout the whole process.
- Price: Early Bird: $3390 – Full price: $3790 ($300 Deposit)
- Duration: Intensive: 1 month
- Website: Http://www.bodymindlife.com
- Style: Vinyasa
PowerLiving it’s a very unique idea of teacher training. Disclosed in 4 modules, their program is designed to slowly comprehend all the steps to become a successful yoga teacher.
Module 1 it’s a core program with a detailed explanation of the history of Raja Yoga, anatomy and philosophy, to fall later onto a Module 1 in a immersive program retreat in a beautiful location like Bali; deepening into your own practice and applying the concepts learnt, you will become more aware of the key points for hand-assisting your students in Module 3. After completing all this work gracefully you will attain Module 4 of accreditation, that will make you a certified yoga teacher.
With a big variety of programs this institution doesn’t leave anyone out, fees include all the classes and manuals, accommodation and meals for the retreat in the 3-month programs (mostly held in weekend days). For the ones fully determined to get into the subject for an intensive period, they also have 1-month full-time programs in Bondi Beach Monday to Friday (which doesn’t include a retreat, sorry guys!).
Their combined methodology will ensure you get the knowledge to create powerful sequencing in your classes and perform safe and effective assists and develop conscious communication with your students.
An amazing opportunity to get out of the standard 200h TTC and learn some more juicy and efficient way to teach modern yoga.
- Price: Early bird: $2,975 – Full cost: $3,499
- Duration: Intensive- One month
- Website: Http://www.powerliving.com.au
- Style: Hatha-Vinyasa
Inyoga brings up the power needed to unlock your potential in their Yttc. This foundational training it’s an exceptionally well organized course to get completely merged in the yoga studies. They emphasize in enhancing confidence and authenticity in all their students. Their programs are available in two formats;
Full time one month long TTC, carried out in their training centre in Surry hills, where the co-founders, Nicole and Rod, lead the course themselves. There are two books to be read in order to begin, and an assignment to be completed by every individual to get the final certificate.
Like other schools in Sydney, they too offer the option of a part time: its a 7 weekend immersion (3 month), filled up with all the anatomy, philosophy, meditation and techniques of alignment and modifications necessary to create an inspiring space to teach. But hey! Make yourself free for a week before starting: to begin, 8 days residential retreat is essential and a great experience to explore.
- Price: Early bird: $3380 – Full price: $3780 ($500 non-refundable deposit is due upon acceptance into the course)
- Duration: Full time- one month
- Website: Http://www.inyoga.com.au
- Style: Vinyasa
This 200hr training course is full of bonus and extra helping tools to empower the teacher within you. On behalf of Matthew Bergan, trained in India and with a teaching experience of more than 25 years, this modern yoga school offers you a free seminar to meet the main instructors, get to know the subjects of study, and answer all the questions you may have before applying for the school.
Limiting the students to 16 per batch, you get to dive very personally into a pool of knowledge and self practice while earning all the tools for your teaching career. The classes are hold in the school premises, and also in the surroundings of the city, visiting parks and lakes to practice outdoors. As a plus, you get a package of 19 weeks of free membership in the same school, to apply all the knowledge acquired in their wide spectrum of classes available everyday. Definitely, a must to check this promising deal!
- Price: Early bird: $3300 – Full cost: $3600 – Payment plans available
- Duration: Over 10 alternate weekends
- Website: Http://www.dancingwarrioryoga.com.au
- Style: Hatha
In this institution, you get two options for a part-time 200h. The first one is a 5 month, 7 hours a week, and the second one its a 3 month of intensive weekends. Whatever you decide to choose, after graduating you will need to complete your hours with 40h of practice by your own, for which they give a 40 class pass to spend in their studio.
You can also commit to one month of intensive training. The course is imparted in small groups. The content is basically Hatha vinyasa with all the philosophy, meditation and Pranayama needed to deepen your practice. The teachers have studied with Sharon Gannon and David Life, which gives the course a complete taste of Jivamukti style, a modern style of yoga effectively structured. Also, the course includes some hours of yoga for kids and pregnancy, which is very rare and appreciated!
- Price: Early bird: $3400AUD – Full cost: $3700AUD – In their payment methods, they offer payment plans and early birds discounts
- Duration: Intensive- 1 month – Part time- 3 months or 5 months
- Website: https://www.sukhamukhayoga.com/home
- Style: Vinyasa- Jivamukti inspired