How Long Should You Practice Yoga Before Your Teacher Training?

how long should you do yoga before teacher training

If you’re passionate about yoga and considering yoga teacher training (YTT), you might wonder how long you should practice yoga before your teacher training. Understanding this is crucial for anyone aiming to deepen their practice or share yoga with others. This blog post explores the recommended practice duration before embarking on a YTT journey and why it matters for aspiring yogis.

How Long Should You Do Yoga Before Teacher Training?

The duration of yoga practice before YTT varies widely among practitioners. While some might embark on YTT after just a few months of practice, others may wait for years. A YTT program is intensive and demands a comprehensive understanding of yoga’s physical and philosophical aspects. Just as you wouldn’t teach math without mastering it first, a solid yoga practice lays the groundwork for effective teaching.

Many pursue YTT not just to teach but to deepen their personal practice. Whether your goal is to teach or enhance your own yoga journey, a thorough grounding in yoga is beneficial. Regular practice helps build the physical stamina, flexibility, and mental focus required for YTT. It also instills a deeper appreciation for yoga, making the training process more meaningful.

Check Your 200-Hour YTT Course Prerequisites

Some 200-hour YTT courses have prerequisites, requiring students to practice consistent yoga. These requirements are in place to ensure students have a foundational understanding of yoga, which is crucial for a successful YTT journey. This prerequisite speaks to the quality of the training, as it ensures participants are prepared for the rigorous curriculum. Knowing the basics allows students to focus on more advanced concepts without feeling overwhelmed.

When There Isn’t a Practice Prerequisite

Many foundational YTTs today do not have practice prerequisites. This inclusivity means almost anyone can participate, regardless of their yoga experience. This open-door policy is a testament to the welcoming and encouraging nature of the yoga community. However, this doesn’t mean everyone should jump into YTT without preparation. While starting a yoga teacher training with minimal experience is possible, consistent practice can significantly enhance your learning and teaching abilities.

Perfect is Unnecessary

The phrase “practice makes perfect” is often heard, but in yoga, the goal is not perfection. Yoga practice is about self-discovery, growth, and embracing imperfection. It’s crucial for new yogis to understand this before deciding to teach. Teaching yoga without substantial personal practice might seem backward. However, the essence of yoga lies in understanding its philosophy and experiencing its benefits firsthand. This journey of self-discovery and growth is what makes the practice of yoga so inspiring and motivating.

How to Know You’re Ready for Yoga Teacher Training

There is no definitive formula to determine readiness for YTT, but there are common signs among those who are prepared. Reflecting on these signs can help you decide if you are ready for the next step in your yoga journey.


1. Consistent Practice: You have a regular yoga practice, whether daily or several times a week.

2. Curiosity: You are eager to learn more about yoga philosophy, anatomy, and different practice styles.

3. Passion for Sharing: You feel a strong desire to share the benefits of yoga with others.

4. Physical and Mental Readiness: You have the physical stamina and mental focus to handle intensive training.

5. Openness to Learning: You are open to feedback and willing to grow from your experiences.


East+West, a renowned yoga school offering teacher trainings in Costa Rica and Bali, provides comprehensive programs designed to cater to yogis at various experience levels. Their YTT programs blend Eastern and Western philosophies, offering a unique and enriching training experience. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, East+West can help you deepen your practice and develop your teaching skills.

If you want to learn more about East+West yoga teacher training, click here to explore our offerings and take the next step in your yoga journey.

Ultimately, how long you should practice yoga before starting your yoga teacher training depends on your personal journey and goals. While consistent practice can significantly enhance your training experience, the most important factor is your dedication and passion for yoga. With the right mindset and preparation, you can embark on a fulfilling path to becoming a yoga teacher. Your commitment and determination will be the driving force behind your success in this journey.


Featured Image via Alo Yoga

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